Settings export/save
Please add the ability to save settings to SD card or export to a file. Being able to bring back my customizations when upgrading my device would be extremely useful.

timolaf commented
Surely there must be a way to transfer my very long Blocklist to my new phone! Please tell me how this is possible. I'm a paid user of Textra!!
Ben Blissett commented
Wow. I'm really disappointed to see that after 5 years there's still not a reliable means of transferring Textra settings to be mirrored on a new phone. Not a fun process. Even with the paid version it's still not a go.
Janelle commented
Before anyone tried to comment that this has now been implemented, allow me to clarify that no, it really hasn't! "Supposedly", Textra now backs up with Google, but this seems highly unreliable, since it didn't work for my new phone. There's no way to confirm that the backup is happening properly in the first place, since Google doesn't allow you to see inside their backups. And then even if it did backup, the ONLY way to restore is during 1 particular step when you're first turning on a brand new or factory reset phone. If anything at all goes wrong in that process, you're sunk. There's no other way to restore the settings for this 1 app without doing a complete factory reset of the phone.
Sorry, but that doesn't count as a real settings backup. The issue remains.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this please! Just upgraded my phone and reinstalled Textra Pro, and am dismayed that there's no way to save ALL of the app settings, customized contact colors, blacklist, etc.!
Mark Collinson commented
Yes please. I note that this request is 3 years old and still nothing.
Pat Contrie commented
please add this feature !! sometimes we need to re-install the software due to issues and its soo important to have a save feature. please ad this ! im a PAID PRO user.
Anonymous commented
This was actually the only app that couldn't export /import settings this phone switch. This feature is really missing!
Pac Man commented
Yes! Obviously it is common to move from one phone to another either via upgrade or replacement. It is quite time consuming for those of use who spend a great deal of time tweaking our phone exactly the way we want it yet cannot save those settings for easy restoration. From a paid user.
Sean Sweeney commented
How has this functionality still not been added? I'd pay again to get it, and I'm looking to switch to a Pixel soon. I really don't want to rebuild all of my settings.
Protonus commented
Please add this! I want to take Textra settings on my phone and put them on my tablet!
Gabe Krause commented
This app is so rich in preference options. It's crazy and a little aggravating that we can't transfer them to a new phone.
Anonymous commented
Or to Google account, the same we always enter when setting a new Android phone! ;) Google account ! (Save settings to our "gmail")
rams commented
I second that . I hate having to input my settings all over again... please please add
Anonymous commented
Agreed, it took me some time to tweak my settings and I would like the ability to back up said settings and import them on a new phone.