Close keyboard right after message is sent
When message is sent the keyboard should be closed like in many other messaging apps.

This will be rolled out iun v3.21 of Textra in the next week.
For those interested in getting an early version and providing us with feedback please email subject “max”
Christopher Clinton commented
Is there a way to disable this and revert back to how it was before? It is one of the more annoying "features" Lol
I ended up disabling text from popup because it was so annoying.
Anonymous commented
??? Don't understand how or why
jeff commented
This should be an option..HATE that it closes after each message is sent
Travis commented
Yes please add it as an option
Anonymous commented
3 votes! Please add. I prefer it to close after pressing send.
Tyler commented
Sometimes you want to send multiple messages in a row, though...
Anonymous commented
I agree, but to have it as an option
Miles Parker commented
The keyboard remaining open is very annoying
Jesse Cabaniss commented
I vote no, or at least it being an option. It would be annoying to reopen the keyboard in multiple message scenarios, which for a lot of us, is common. I often break up messages instead of sending a block of text.
Mitch commented
Make it optional if implemented
Anonymous commented
Highly required, sometimes it looks like a bug.
Anonymous commented
Brenden commented
Yes, if so, make it optional. Pressing back key is perfect for me.
Matt commented
If this is implemented, please make it OPTIONAL. Auto-hiding the keyboard after sending would remove more functionality than it would provide. With modern communication, people often send multiple messages in a row as a means of communicating tone and constructing the overall message. It would be very frustrating to have to reopen the keyboard every time for this.
Anonymous commented
I agree with many others, it shouldn't be automatic. I think there should be a small down arrow, and when tapped, keyboard closes. This allows me to have more space for reading the conversation.
Anonymous commented
Implement and make it user option, default to NOT CLOSE.
Brian commented
Like this idea..!
Kathy commented
I don't like think this is a good idea
Brandon commented
I have paid for, and supported this app. I have requested the repair of This MISSING stock Android Function that is not only present on the Crappy stock messaging app but on 99.9% of all other messaging apps and really other apps for that matter. It's been a year now and no one has Fixed this. Now let me reiterate that this is not a feature it is a stock Android function that is missing from the application, hell I even copied pasted and emailed you the code you forgot to implement. Why are you not supporting your app people are paying you money? Right? All rudeness aside you guys are too busy adding pretty colors for all the metrosexual morons instead of fixing the Bare Bones structural deficiency Within your code. Why is this? Why is a missing function in some kind of vote? Seriously, and it's not to be a jerk I'm just fervently put back on how long it has taken to do nothing even when thousands say this is ridiculous you still do nothing? Okay, I understand it's your app but again you're asking for money for the full version so people like myself that have paid are left wondering where are you? And why hasn't this been fixed?
Sweetness commented
Every time I send a message, it not only closes out of the entire app, but it locks my screen. It is annoying to continue to unlock my screen as I'm texting a conversation. If people like the way it is now, then it should definitely be an option in the settings. Please change immediately. Love the app, but this unlocking my screen after ever message sent is a huge turn off for me and I wouldn't want to use this app because of it.