custom background
Ability to add your own picture as the background for in text and the list view separately. Also ability to do each contact with a different in app background. Go SMS already has this feature but their app has began using massive amounts of data.
Considered very carefully. Not a direction Textra wants to take as this would slow down the app and take it in a ‘bloated’ direction.
James Strong-Oak commented
I get a real kick out of this. The developer has an idea and SCREW what you as the consumer want. Its this thinking that sinks every product when something new comes along that actually gives people what they want. The phones we have today are faster than the average computer when this suggestion first surfaced. Does it matter? No. Because the ego of the dev is more important than the will of the consumer. Using a phone is all about the experience. I have beautiful desktop photos, beautiful screen savers, and when I use textra I see an ugly app that look like it came from the days of a Moto Evo. Because it did - because the dev refuses to accept modern styling. I bought Textra when I got my first Android, and I'm uninstalling it because it's so ugly and tired that using it is depressing.
Zeke commented
I don't see how this would slow it down Verizon Messages has this function and many more with no issues in the speed or bloating.
MQ commented
Agree with MT. What a shame. I'm not going to use this app for this specific reason. I don't like the look of the screens. Uninstalling Textra now.
MT commented
That's too bad that you won't add support for custom backgrounds All other features are amazing, but Textra is not as customizable as other SM'S apps.
Anonymous commented
Can ANYBODY get me outta this crap???
Max Dracon commented
Why do people care what others do with their backgrounds ? I mean, it's not like your are forced to change your background right ? Please make it possible. If people want their app to be a bit slower than it is without, let them make this choice, no ? Thanks if you do.
Upallnyte commented
They're right. A custom background would make the app slow and sluggish. I say NAY on custom backgrounds.
Skan Digital commented
Definitely don't want the bloated feeling, but I can honestly say the reason I even came across Textra was when looking for customisable messenger apps.. backgrounds u guys can't add that option without making it slow...really..smh
Aaron commented
Dee commented
Just downloaded this app, but probably won't keep because this feature is missing. White is too shocking, black too dark. If you don't want us to use our own pics then at least offer a few other colors!! Please.
Anonymous commented
It's good this got declined. I like the simplicity of the app and it already has other great customizations. No need for a background...there are other apps with bloated options.
Anonymous commented
Plz make this happen. If not a picture, then at least the ability to change the background color to a custom color choice.
Anonymous commented
Two years ago this was requested and still not implemented? What the hell?
stooj0 commented
Yes please!
Anonymous commented
Need custom background option ASAP
Turd Ferguson commented
I agree. Customization of the background/s is what kept me using chomp for a looong time but I like textras sickness. Cmon guys, you make chomp and texture - just add a little true customization to textra and its a Complete product.
J.R. commented
Terrible idea IMO. what I love about textra is how simple it is. Going in and adding all kinds of options that will bloat the app and slow it down is not what I look for. There are plenty of apps out there with custom background settings.
Iab commented
I agree with Rose, it should definitely be an option in settings NOT REQUIRED
Ed Morelli commented
Customizing backgrounds is a fantastic idea. Would make for a much nicer view and pleasent experience. That would lead to word of mouth advertising for this app.
Sylvain commented
Maaaaaaaybe one day...but too much people want it and too much people ask-request this add' since a long time....So i think they don't want.... Just a question for the team: why do you need suggestions if you don't hear us ? Because I've already post similar idea, try too on Googlestore but nothing change.