Message scheduling
Timer function to send messages at a preset time and date.
Scheduling out now in Release 2.17
-G commented
Absolutely "NEEDLESS" updates every,to every other day..I like this App A lot,but just have A look at your own schedule,& what the update was??
I don't know if it's A commission to suck data from subscribers,rather than charging A few $??But,if it ain't got no beef,then don't push out any more, "Updated in Turkish",“& don't forget Braille"..I appreciate it & all but 8sms & chomp are looking decent....
Anonymous commented
l love the simplicity and overall look of this app, but the inability to send scheduled messages is likely a deal breaker for me. It's apparent from the length of time that has passed since this request was added that developers are not listening.
marc commented
yes I agree this is a very desirable feature
Anonymous commented
It's an undeniably STRONG feature that keeps the home sms applications ahead of you guys...I'm surprised you don't have it already!
BG commented
it's a good idea !
anonymous commented
yes please
Tony commented
This would be a really useful feature
Anonymous commented
Omg! This was one of the features that actually made me want to consider another sms application.
BLADE ALZEN commented
give me this feature... i need it and i dont want to change from textra to another app just for this
Derek commented
I want this so badly
zaahid commented
defo. this feature would rock!
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Will commented
Yes, please add this feature! Can't wait for it! Loving all the recent added features including SEARCH finally! =)
Justin commented
I love message scheduling
Krishnam commented
This will be misleading and cause loads of issues. Email scheduling is fine but sms scheduling is not a good idea.
hafiz mazhar commented
please add it.. only thing missing
hafiz mazhar commented
schedule sending is must for making textra a complete and unbeatable messaging application
Anonymous commented
yeah..we want this.. only thing missing in textra is schedule sending feature..please add this feature
Anonymous commented
yes pleas!!!
Matt commented
it's great that this app is so light. I really would like this scheduling though.. with repeates, date exclusions (holidays) as a phase 2. in order to keep the so light, can things like this be separate add-ons?