26834 results found
bubble conversation
I wish you add a customizable bubble like we can resize it and copy the conversation of iMessage of iOS devices to be exact.
1 vote -
Show contents of new message rather than "2 unready messages"
I have recently noticed that when I am using my device (OnePlus3 - 7.1.1) and a new message comes in, the actual context of the message is not displayed if an earlier message is not acted upon first. This also applies to any Textra messages pushes to my smartwatch, and any other apps that have notification access. Instead of the contents of new message, it just says "2 unread messages" (or 3, etc). This isn't very helpful if multiple messages are coming in from the same contact.
1 vote -
Both Sim Different message views
In this app wo not know about message.
In which sim it come.I have tow sims and I can not know about my messages that in which sim it come.Please add setting that it can distinguish between both sim messages.
Thanks1 vote -
Delete Confirmation
Please remove the delete confirmation office the option to disable the confirmation.
2 votes -
nefunguje zvukové oznámení příchozích zpráv ...
1 vote -
Pleaze, Pleaze, Add Spell Check Toggle
The Textra spell check (and predictive suggestions) aren't great. I'd rather use my Google personal dictionary. Cursor placement is super frustrating, and predictions get in the way. Together, they can double or triple the time it takes to compose a message if I'm especially clumsy.
2 votes -
Reachability Mode
An iOS-like trick like Reachability would really help me out here.
let's say I want to read a thread on the very top of the page... I can't easily, due to my thumbs being too short.
I'm proposing a Textra Reachability function that would work by some type of trigger, such as swiping up on the Action button. this would drop down the whole screen so I can make my selection.0 votes -
send location
this is A MUST! I might have to delete this cool app because location sharing is A MUST HAVE
1 vote -
Notification if Message not sent
I've had it happen twice now that my message did not get sent successfully, and the app did not notify me of this until days later. If a message fails to send it should give you an immediate and clear notification of this.
1 vote -
SMS / Long address name
Currently, long contact name will appear cut short on TO: address name. It is very inconvinient to know who is who.
Also, if we click the contact name, please make it drop the number and type of number
(ie/ WORK : +6255855888)
3.When entering one contact name, please make it remain on the TO box. I hace to keep it hit + button to add additional names. very tiresome
1 vote -
removal from group message
be able to reply all or remove any in group message to send to a subset
1 vote -
Textra Emojis as Signatures
Would love to be able to use Textra emojis in the signatures for texts! Have only been able to use the tiny system ones in my Droid.
1 vote -
Auto correct
Please enable the option to remove auto correct, It keeps changing U to I - it's Frustrating!!!
1 vote -
Opening the app
You should make it to where when you've opened a conversation and go to a different all but leave Textra open when you click the app on the home screen it opens back to the conversation you were in.
1 vote -
group message bubbles together
Group message bubble together if you receive them within a short amount of time. instead of having a bubble with a tail, group them and put a tail on the last message because they are usually a continuation of the same thought. (like iOS or the default messaging apps on most androids)
5 votes -
Dual sim auto text update
I have a dual sim phone and I use two user profiles on my phone, one for each sim card. On my primary sim I use Textra and on the other one I use Android Messages. When I receive texts on my second sim/second user which uses Android Messages and then go back to my primary user and Textra, I would like for Textra to automatically update my messages.
1 vote -
this is a complaint!
Textra on my Samsung j1 ace doesn't show which of my two SIM cards is receiving a text... on other dual SIM phones it does... please improve on this feature for this type of phone
1 vote -
this is a complaint!
Textra on my Samsung j1 ace doesn't show which of my two SIM cards is receiving a text... on other dual SIM phones it does... please improve on this feature for this type of phone
1 vote -
Driving mode.
A mode you can turn on while your driving. while on this mode the other person will get an automatic message telling them that you're on the road.
11 votes -
Edit pics before sending
I would like to free draw on an image prior to sending. For example I would circle or highlight a specific item on a screen shot or picture that is taken with the camera then send it to the intended recipient.
2 votes
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