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    With a pin/lock, please and thank you!

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  2. Toggle for direct share

    There should be a toggle for direct share. Because it never contains anyone that i want send SMS to anyway.

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  3. "Enter" sends message only with BT keyboard

    Hello, I'd like to have an option to send message with enter key, but I'd like to use it only with my bluetooth keyboard. Could you create seperate options? When I'm using keyboard on phone's screen I dont want to use enter to send, but it would be great to have this option only for bluetooth keyboard.

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  4. Click sound

    I'm using Sony phone which click/tap sound enabled. But when I tap on messages to read, it doesn't play click sound

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  5. Folder for unknown numbers

    Keep all the messages from unknown numbers in a separate folder so that all junk messages will not be visible always

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  6. customizing your background

    I absouletleyove your SMS messaging app. I love the fact you can customize just about anything.. but what about adding a picture in the background when you open your inbox & another picture when you open the conversation. thanks for reading!

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  7. Change the group message icon

    Be able to choose between different icon options for group messages. Right now the icon is just all the participants smashed together into the circle. It would be nice to be able to have more styles.

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  8. Weblink Snippets selectable setting

    Bring back an option to have weblink snippets for sent messages. Put an option in settings so you can select whether you want them or not.

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  9. Copy parts of text from a message.

    It would be great if we are able to copy parts of the text from a message instead of the whole message.

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  10. change or hide quick compose icon in status bar

    sometimes the Textra icon will appear in the status bar because the quick compose pseudo-notification is in the notification tray. this is confusing because the Textra icon is also used to alert us to new texts

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  11. change or hide quick compose icon in status bar

    sometimes the Textra icon will appear in the status bar because the quick compose pseudo-notification is in the notification tray. this is confusing because the Textra icon is also used to alert us to new texts

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  12. Group setup and video

    is there any way to be able to add/subtract people from groups?

    also a group search while sending a picture/video/text would be great.

    lastly, sending a video from gallery please.

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  13. group messaging

    can you device the group messaging to have an individual conversation after being sent so that the conversation in messaging is continuous?

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  14. ikonki jak na messengerze

    witam, dobrym pomysłem było by zrobienie (gdy przychodzi wiadomość) takiego kółka który pojawiałby sie na ekranie jak na messengerze :) i dodanie wiecej opcji zmiany wyglądu.. np. zdjecie w tle :) pozdrawiam

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  15. ikonki jak na messengerze

    witam, dobrym pomysłem było by zrobienie (gdy przychodzi wiadomość) takiego kółka który pojawiałby sie na ekranie jak na messengerze :) i dodanie wiecej opcji zmiany wyglądu.. np. zdjecie w tle :) pozdrawiam

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  16. Location sending and Full Contacts

    Would be cool if we could send our current location to the person so they know where we are. Also when you send a contact it is half ass only sending the phone number would be cool if you can send it ALL like address everything notes with it to the person as an option.

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  17. Favorite Messages & Lists

    It would be cool if like the lock fuction for individual messages we could have a function to put a heart around favorite or a light bulb for important messages that way when you filter by searching important or favorite it shows those specific individual messages PLEASE.

    Also, making user defined custom lists to categorize contacts would be cool like family, friends, travel mates, etc...

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  18. private box for sms, mms and group texts.

    Pleas add a private box behind a password 4-8 chars, for sms, mms and group chat messages. This is something that is seriously lacking in your app. An option to suppress notification of messages in your private box as well would be usefull!
    Great app though. Just needs some little tweeks.

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  19. Name Suggestions

    When I open a new text message the suggested names should have the people I contact most at the top of the list

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  20. Recipient.

    Notify when recipient has opened and read the text.

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