26831 results found
White Text
Bring back the white text!!! I am using a yellow theme and once my app updated all the contact names and headlines changed from white to black and I hate it. give me a way to change it!
3 votes -
update group failure notices
when a group text message fails, whether a SMS or a MMS, have the ability to know which recipients got the message and which ones didn't.
great app!!! absolutely love it!1 vote -
sort to contacts by last name
sort contacts by last name option
5 votes -
Block Large Messages
A friend of mine occasionally sends large messages that crash my message chain with him, and the only solution is to delete my text history with him. Would it just be possible to block messages that are larger than a certain size?
1 vote -
Sending indicator and auto-send on failed
like Messenger and most of the messaging apps, pleaze have something like a spinning circle indicator or maybe a small "sending" or maybe three animated dots of some sort that indicates the message is sending. Delivery report doesn't work on our networks here and it's too inconvenient to always hold the message and click the info icon just to look whether it's already sent. it'll be useful for areas where cellular signal is terrible.
2 votes -
Message Backup
Please have a feature where I can backup all my messages so I can migrate them easily when switch to a new phone.
2 votes -
group chat
it should be an option on composing a message on whether it goes bulk or chat. so you don't have to keep going in settings to chg it
1 vote -
Send Ringtones and other small Mp3 files
Send ringtones and other small Mp3 files. Awesome app, keep up the good work! :)
1 vote -
Additional Fonts
It would be cool if you add more fonts to the app. Obviously, the only two choices are the Textra and System default fonts.
1 vote -
the ability to groupe texts
for example, if im texting 3 different people about meeting up to study and i don't want a stupid group text. i could have a category labled study and in there would be all the different convos going on about studying.
or if im trying to sell something, i could have a category labled sell and could have all the different people im texting inside that category.
it would make it so i wouldn't have 20 different text convos all in one messy screen.1 vote -
message tones
when you set someone's message tone, keep that time for that person. like in a group message, the people that you already have tones set for, don't come up. you have to set a new tone for the group message. if you change that, it would be nice. that way you know who is texting you in that group message.
5 votes -
Keyboard activation
Hi Guys, can you please get rid of the keyboard activation by scrolling the screen upward. Otherwise this app is super. These are the few things that I am looking another one to buy. And this is even sending unindent text msg.
3 votes -
Contact informations
Just like Android message, it will be nice that we could touch the picture of a contact to see all of it, but not opening the contact app
4 votes -
Bulle de notifications
l'idéal serait que les notifications apparaissent sous forme de bulles.
1 vote -
Passerelle informatique
Serait il possible d'avoir la possibilité d'envoyer et recevoir des messages depuis un ordinateur sans toucher au téléphone à proximité
1 vote -
Hide message preview
Have an option for hiding the text until it is clicked on. For example when you receive a message, notification will just say "Contact: text message" until clicked on and opened, then it shows the whole message. Good for privacy if you are showing someone something, then they can't read your messages when they're delivered.
1 vote -
Backup sms/mms
Provide method to backup all conversations and images/media to cloud account. This would allow users who get a new phone to download all their conversations so they aren't 'lost' on the old device.
1 vote -
Quick texting fix
When you drag down the text that was received and start quick typing on the dashboard, when you click the arrow to send and miss it, the text isn't saved into drafts. I was hoping there could be a fix to this as it leads me to never using it because a long text can disappear. Love the app! Thanks for your hard work.
1 vote -
Multiple numbers for one contact not supported
I just assumed that this support would arrive, but it never has! I have some contacts with one than one mobile phone number, but Textra does not let me choose.
What's more, it appears not to respect the Default Number feature -- or doesn't update the number regularly enough.1 vote -
Colourful picture themes for app
themes with images that can be contributed for free by users like go pro before they went commercial then insane hijacking the lock screen and installing adds outside the app. I used to love getting my messaging app, keyboard and phone background as matched as possible (but not the theme set that changes phone icons, that should be optional). There's a lot of free ones created by users for go sms that if approached would likely be happy to have them used on here.
2 votes
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