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  1. Swipe to the left

    When the notification appears, swipe to the left to mark the message as read and to the right that works as usual

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  2. Notifications

    Afficher le nombre de messages qu'on a reçu sur l'icône de l'application lorsque l'appareil est déverrouillé.

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  3. chat heads

    Greeting! It would be nice if you can add this another feature, so that you can use textra while another app is open. unlike heads up notification,I would still prefer the chad heads for faster accessiibility. Thank you textra!

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  4. Sorting contacts by last name

    I text many folks from a work schedule listed by last name. Having Textra also short by last name would be extraordinarily helpful.

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  5. image de fond & widget

    Ce serait bien de pouvoir personnalisé le fond de l'application & des conversation avec une image de fond comme le font plusieurs application !
    Ce serait bien aussi de pouvoir mettre sur nos écran un widget de textra nous permettant d'accéder à nos conversations depuis notre page d'accueil.

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  6. Saved Themes

    An option so you can save more than one theme. I want to change things up but it'll be a pain to change it back (colorblind issue).

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  7. general

    in general we support wallpaper photo

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  8. Link's

    if you add links like in iMessage this would be hands down the best texting app around!!! when you share a link keep it separate from the actual text!

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  9. classer les messages par heure/date d'envoi et non par heure/date de réception

    classer les messages par heure/date d'envoi et non par heure/date de réception

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  10. Message box margins/padding

    The vertical padding between sent messages and received messages and between several sent messages is quite large making the conversation look bulky and wasted space. while the large padding does help readability it would be nice to be able to customise this so we can fit more messages without scrolling the screen.

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  11. I cant activate the Textra keyboard, only Swype etc

    I have installed the app, but when I open Textra, I can't use their keyboard. Instead I am forced to choose between the standard ones like Swype or gBoard. How do I get the Textra Keyboard (with iOS smileys, which I have installed)

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  12. Auto message

    Auto message for a perticular number or all number... when Message came from that number then auto message will automatically send to that number....

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  13. Auto message

    Auto message for a perticular number or all number... when Message came from that number then auto message will automatically send to that number....

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  14. Ideas

    we should be able to see when others have read our txt and when they start typing I would love this app even more if it had that.

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  15. heads up notification expand

    if the heads up notification pop up. can textra add a expand the messages if the message is long to read the all messages.

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  16. widget dual sim

    please : à widget for sim1 and à widget for sim2.
    very good Idea for professionnal use, After that I would buy the pro version

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  17. options des messages par glissement

    Pourquoi ne peut on pas modifier l'option de ce que l'on veut faire en glissant le message à droite ou à gauche.
    À gauche,on appelle le correspondant et à droite on efface le message.
    Pourquoi ne pas laisser le soin à l'utilisateur de choisir ce qu'il veut, inverser par exemple, ou mettre le message en «prioritaire».

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  18. Quick Reply Problem

    Quick reply disappears when screen light goes off, if in settings it says "until dismissed" it should mean it. It must not disappear on it's on when the screen light goes off.

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  19. Fenix 3+ support.

    I'm not sure if it's Textra or Garmin but my ONLY issue is that push notifications to my watch don't display the message text, if you guys could figure that out I'd love you forever.

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  20. Arrows

    An arrow in the conversation list that shows whether the last message was sent or received.

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