26835 results found
Block SMS not on your contact list.
blocking SMS from people not on your contact list this helps in preventing annoying spam messages that can come in even at mid night and can't be stop, this to me is annoying.
817 votes -
Customized wallpaper background for chat conversations list and chat
It would be nice to use an image in the background for the conversation view that shows all the contacts that you've chatted with also customize the background for the current chat too; very similar to a feature found in crunchsms, thanks for reading.
762 votes -
Be able to recover deleted messages if deleted on accident.
I want to be able to recover (un-delete) messages that I have deleted on accident.
689 votes -
Split group sms thread
When you send a group sms message the recipient answers directly to you because he sees it as a standalone message.
So I think it would be convinient to have an option to split outgoing group message into each contacts' threads.658 votes -
I like the sliding timestamp on the right idea but I prefer the old timestamp above each sms more. Please give us the option to change the timestamps on sms conversations.
657 votes -
Background pictures
I think this app is perfect but I think it would be better if we could be able to chose a picture for the background.
626 votes -
Make textra compatible with samsung smart watches (Tizen OS support)
Textra isn't compatabile with any of the Samsung gear watches - which run on the Tizen OS. I wish textra would make themselves compatabile with Samsung's smart watch OS. Defeats the purpose of having a smart watch if you can't check all your messages on it...
585 votes -
Random color theme
Add a theme option, where user doesn't only picks one color theme, but lets Textra randomly do the choice. Textra randomizes colors, different for each contact. It makes messaging more fun and it makes it harder to mistake who you're writing to.
579 votes -
add people on group chats/MMS
When you're in a MMS chat and you want to add another friend, it dosent give you the option to add more people yall should do that.
578 votes -
would b nice to change the font on your messages, b able to choose the font that u want your messages to b
i think it would b really nice to choose different font for your messages to b
537 votes -
Frequent/favorite contact list
Ability to select contacts from most frequently used contact list while composing text. Don't want to search every time for contact I text often.
520 votes -
521 votes
Tasker message received compatibility
When a message is received, Tasker doesn't see it as an event when Textra is installed.
499 votes -
RCS in Textra
Not sure if this is a network side issue, since some companies try to force users to use their own app with RCS, but if possible please implement rich communication services (RCS) in Textra as that would allow higher quality photos, videos, and files to be sent as well as read receipts and an overall smoother messaging experience. Google and all carriers are pushing for RCS to compete with Apple iMessage so we might as well embrace the future now!
496 votes -
Multiple bubble colors in group messages
Allow each member of a group message to have a unique bubble color to allow for a user to easily see who sent what
496 votes -
Actual android wear app
to actually have the app on the watch, so being able to open the app on the watch and see your message feed and compose a message. And being able to see entire conversations not just the message you just got. Also if a keyboard could be included for replies that would be awesome.
483 votes -
Smile or Enter ?
Give us this option exactly like you do in chomp.
483 votes -
manual download for MMS, and not auto
is it possible to add an option, to have the choice between, auto download pictures in MMS, or manual download.
for now, pictures are always download when you open the conversation.
i receive MMS but i dont want to open the pictures now.
i want to open it when i want.
is it possible?472 votes -
Emergency Alert System messages option
I had a tornado warning the other day. My sister's phone received an alert, but mine didn't. I realized that the stock messaging app received the alert, but since I have it disabled so I don't get dupe notifications, I didn't get the alert.
Would be great if Textra could receive these alerts. Perhaps with an option to turn them on or off. My stock messaging app has these options: Presidential alert (permanently enabled), extreme alert, severe alert, amber alert, and emergency alert test message (defaulted to off.)
Love the app, thanks!
453 votes -
452 votes
- Don't see your idea?